
I am a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in Philosophy at the University of Leeds. I received my PhD from UCL in 2019.

I work primarily in the Philosophy of Mind and Action. My research is about motivation in rational self-conscious agents. I am interested in desire, rational agency, reasons, and how they are related. I am working on a book on appetitive desire. I have also been thinking about need, self-control, self-knowledge of desire and the ethics of temptation. My work engages with other disciplines like linguistics and psychology.


  1. Urges | ±
    2024. The Philosophical Review, 133 (2): 151-191.
  2. The Necessity of 'Need' | ±
    2023. Ethics, 133 (3): 329-354.
  3. Focus on Slurs (with Poppy Mankowitz) | ±
    2022. Mind & Language, 1-29.
  4. Desire and What it's Rational to Do | ±
    2021. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 99 (4): 761-75.
  5. Do Affective Desires Provide Reasons for Action? | ±
    2021. Ratio, 34 (2): 147-57.
  6. Desire and Satisfaction | ±
    2020. The Philosophical Quarterly, 70 (279): 371-384.


  1. Desire in Sexual Attraction ±
    2024. Joint Winner of the 12th Essay Prize of the Centre for Philosophical Psychology, University of Antwerp.
  2. 'Ethics and the Emotions' (co-edited with Maria Baghramian) | ±
    2022. International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 30 (3).

In Progress

  1. Monograph on Desire and Practical Rationality ±
    in progress.
  2. Chapter on Desire and Psychology ±
    2025. For Routledge Handbook on the Philosophy of Desire.
  3. Paper on the Ontology of Need ±
    under review.
  4. Paper on Practical Rationality ±
    in progress.
If a paper is not available above, normally because it is under review or at the request of the publisher, please email me for a copy.


The Mind (Spring 2024, University of Leeds)   ±
Introduction to Ethics (Autumn 2021-2, UCD)   ±
Philosophy Residential Summer School (Summer 2019, UCL)   ±


Linguistic Semantics (Spring 2017, UCL)   ±
Philosophy of Language (Autumn 2017, UCL)   ±
Introduction to Logic 2 (Spring 2015-6, UCL)   ±
Introduction to Logic 1 (Autumn 2015, UCL)   ±
Knowledge and Reality (Autumn 2014, UCL)   ±

Please get in touch for my teaching dossier including course outlines.

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